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Discover our new approach to telepsych

ProviderShare is a new model from Genoa Telepsychiatry that allows you to share your provider’s time with another Genoa Clinic Partner at a significantly reduced hourly rate.

Clinics Face Financial Challenges
That Affect Utilization

ProviderShare considers the uncertainty of hours you might have
when starting a telepsych program

High Contract

Without providing reimbursement for every appointment, a FFS model can create financial strain

Unpredictable Utilization

Patient schedules and utilization might vary week to week

Uncertainty of
Hours Needed

When creating a telepsych program, clinics may not know the exact number of hours needed

Decrease Costs & Improve Utilization
with ProviderShare

Cost Saving

Save up to 40%
annually by sharing
your provider’s time

Risk Option

Start a telepsych
program in a
low-risk format

Clinical & Financial

Achieve financial
sustainability to provide
your patients with care


Tailor your provider’s
schedule based on weekly
variability and patient

Deliver Care Using the 1DocWay Care
Delivery Platform

With ProviderShare, your provider will collaborate with both clinics using
the 1DocWay Platform

Share Your Provider's

Gain a real-time view of your shared provider’s time and schedule

Powerful Practice Administration

Streamline practice management with in-app e-prescribing and patient scheduling tools

Track & Report Patient Outcomes

Track patient utilization, patient- reported outcomes and provider satisfaction in-app

Appointment Variability

Dedicated Provider Program

Predictable and steady patient appointment schedule

ProviderShare Program

Highly variable weekly schedule requiring more flexibility

# of hours needed

Know the # of hours needed

Unknown # of hours needed at the start of the program

Telepsychiatry program experience

Experience starting and running a telepsychiatry program

New to telepsychiatry